Please see below for professional clips created by Joe Howell Wood.

Longform Storytelling

The front page of a longform profile on Gillian Branstetter.
The woman who saved herself. This is a longform profile on Gillian Branstetter, a transgender woman who made a career out of fighting back for those who are often subjected to the blunt end of politics for simply existing. Click through to see the full profile.

Graphic Design

InDesign Layout Sample for a flyer promoting a mathematics book. Includes text, logos, gradient banners, and cover image of book.
InDesign Layout was created by me for a flyer promoting a mathematics book. Includes text, logos, gradient banners, and cover image of book. Click through to see the full sample.


A preview of the abstract for a research paper written on media framing and the Rwanda Genocide
This is a preview of the abstract and first 3 pages of a research paper on Media Framing and the Rwanda Genocide written by me. Click through to see the full sample.


A preview of a report on Harris Funeral Homes v EEOC
This is a preview of my report on the oral hearing for the Supreme Court case Harris Funeral Homes v EEOC. Click through to see the full sample.


For more samples of my work, see my recent posts.